Thursday 19 January 2012

I'm just going to jump in & start writing randomly in this blog instead of over-thinking every post & then writing nothing at all!
It's all good practice :)

Getting ready for the big move to Toronto has been pretty hard going. Super busy every day & soooo much sorting out, re-cycling, trips to the Charity shop & trying to sell big stuff on Ebay... I am exhausted!
It'll all be worth it in the end and it's always good to have a big clear-out isn't it? 
I find it cathartic once you get past the negative or sad memories that can come up when sorting through bags of old stuff. Even old clothes will remind me of a time or place that maybe wasn't so jolly for me so getting shot of it clears your mind a bit - I'm hesitant to use the word 'closure' as it's become quite over used but that's the only way to describe it I guess!
Closure. From an old time that you have moved forward from - that you won't forget but you can put to rest. I also get a cheeky thrill from seeing some of my old clothes go on sale in the charity shop hehe! It's lovely knowing someone else will get a whole new use out of the item & treasure it & never know what murky history lies behind it for me!

Today I started using a schedule - my first since I was at school eek! And so far it's really helped me get much more done :)
For instance - I've broken the day down into 2 hour slots & it's helping me to not spend ages on one project & then missing another chore altogether. Here's how today looked:

10am - *Breakfast

12pm - *Wrap up Ebay sales items (Whoop!) & Go to Post office
            *Go for walk 

2pm - *Lunch
          *An hour of Shredding (zzzzzz) And paperwork sorting.

4pm - *Take cat to Vets
          *Snack & Cuppa - Homemade Chocolate Brownies today Yum!

6pm - *Go to superstore to buy more packing materials for Ebay sales (again Whoop!) (Can you tell I find
            Ebay a bit too exiting?!) 
          *Grocery shopping

8pm - *Dinner

10pm - * Hugs & watch TV (The manshape told me I must put hugs in the schedule hehe!)

12pm - *Bedtime

Now - this may look slightly unorthodox time-wise to the average bear but I'm used to going to bed at 4am & getting up at midday so - this is a huge change & improvement for me already!

Ok, Must make another Schedule for tomorrow - more shredding in my future I suspect -  Snooze! 



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